Autor Tema: T101  (Pročitano 7959 puta)

Van mreže zola320

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« poslato: 06.12.2012, 11:28:53 »
Neki od vas su vec mozda upoznati sa ovom strategijom al za one koji nisu vrijedi pogledat.

Volio bih kad bi zajedno mogli da optimiziramo ovu strategiju razvio sam i indikator i EA( trenutno bez mogucnosti trgovine iskljucivo za davanje signala o promjeni trenda al moze se jako brzo i jednostavno promjenit  ;) ). Ako bude dovoljno interesa objasnit cu sve detaljnije.

Van mreže Panzer

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« Odgovor #1 poslato: 06.12.2012, 11:42:05 »
svaka cast na ideji, strategija je odlicna,ali nije za pocetnike. Ima 1001 varijacija indikatora i ea na ovoj strategiji.

Van mreže zola320

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« Odgovor #2 poslato: 06.12.2012, 11:51:40 »
svaka cast na ideji, strategija je odlicna,ali nije za pocetnike. Ima 1001 varijacija indikatora i ea na ovoj strategiji.


Ima ali ja zelim da uz pomoc drugih clanova razvijem nas sistem za ovu fantasticnu strategiju. Strategija postaje tek komplikovana pojavom mnogobrojnih ea i indikatora u sustini je jako jednostavna.

Van mreže NenadPavlov

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« Odgovor #3 poslato: 06.12.2012, 12:14:45 »
Da li si radio/radiš po ovoj strategiji? Kakva su tvoja iskustva i rezultat?
"The best indicator for ANYTHING is between your ears."

Van mreže zola320

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« Odgovor #4 poslato: 06.12.2012, 12:28:03 »
Da li si radio/radiš po ovoj strategiji? Kakva su tvoja iskustva i rezultat?

Nazalost korisitim ovu strategiju oko jednog mjeseca.
2 sedmice izucavanja
1 sedmica programiranja
2 sedmice testiranja ( 14% profita do sada ali imao sam greske kod ulazaka tako da je teoretski moglo bit i vise)

Van mreže NenadPavlov

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« Odgovor #5 poslato: 06.12.2012, 13:12:39 »
Huh, tema na FF je pozamašna. Trebaće vremena da se pregleda. :)
"The best indicator for ANYTHING is between your ears."

Van mreže zola320

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« Odgovor #6 poslato: 06.12.2012, 13:20:51 »
Huh, tema na FF je pozamašna. Trebaće vremena da se pregleda. :)

Zato 2 sedmice izucavanja  ;D

Ali dovoljno je da pregledas par prvih  strana i vec znas o cemu se radi kasnije je samo drama :)
Strategija je genijalna daje ti pogled na trziste koje nisi dosad imao.

Van mreže Panzer

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« Odgovor #7 poslato: 06.12.2012, 16:29:28 »
Prati rad Komsomolata na ff , on je pokrenuo ponovo zar za t101.

Van mreže zola320

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« Odgovor #8 poslato: 06.12.2012, 16:48:13 »
Prati rad Komsomolata na ff , on je pokrenuo ponovo zar za t101.

Vidio sam vec ali mi se nesvida.
Naziv je "Simple Trading Method" a oni su nabacali indikatora i svega da to vise nije ono cemu je trader101 nas pokusao naucit. Evo za one kojima je mrsko citati citav thread na ff.

Trader101's basket method disambiguated by Icicle v2


Set up a demo account (tutorials below [1]). This ghost account will function as an indicator. Start the account at the very beginning of your very first week and this will give you a good look at the pairs as the weeks go on. The pairs will imperfectly hedge each other. There will be no SL or TP in this account account. The choice of pairs is very important and needs to be precise. The exact mix will depend upon what your broker has available. Open 14 trades as described below.

The usual suspects..





But these are the IBFX pairs, because IBFX does not have CADJPY






If possible, run a suitable script for opening all the pairs at the same time. Count the pairs. If there are less than 14 pairs, open the missing pairs as soon as possible. Double-click the profit column of your terminal so as to make the positive profit pairs stay at the top and the negatives stay at the bottom. Initially the order of these pairs is a mess, but let it run for a day or two and you will notice the pairs will start to order themseves. All the buys will stay at one end and the sells the other like a bottle of dirty water settling out into layers. This is called the "Ideal Position". The highest and lowest slots are called the "anchor points".


After a day or two, all the buys (if in negative profit) will stay below and the sells (if positive) will be at the top. Now this is what you have to watch for - if, for example, the bottom 7 slots are are occupied by negatives, the first pair in the negative that crosses the boundary between positive and negative is the pair we are interested in. If one of the negatives jumps up to slot 7 (counting from the top) there is also a corresponding positive that will jump down to slot 8 This is the signal. We will trade these two pairs that jump the boundary.

You should have a live account where you real trading will be executed.

You will trade the two pairs that jumped out in the demo account.

   If the pair that jumped upwards is a BUY then trade both pairs LONG.
    If the pair that jumped upwards is a SELL then trade both pairs SHORT.

You may also trade the next two pairs that cross the boundary, and you might like to limit yourself to 4 pairs being traded at one time. The profit is up to you, but I close a pair if it retreats 2 slots.

Leave your demo account running and it will serve as your indicator - just check it once in while for any jumping pairs and trade them.

Tonight my indicator demo account showed 4 buys are taking over the top position from the sells, consequently the sells are taking over the bottom postition. It started this afternoon. This is a signal that the buys will perhaps rule until tonight, so  I went to my live account and traded all 14 pairs LONG - because there will be more buys than sells.

I normally check at the begining of every session (Asian, UK and US) however there are times I closely monitor it -for instance during the NY session when there are a lot of fundamentals being released. Those are the times when switching and slot jumping happens most. Like yesterday, the switching started right before the Asian session and I was stopped out at $410 profit while I was asleep, then it reentered again after one hour (long) and that is the trade I have right now.

It will continue until before the close of this week. For now it is struggling, but positive. There are 5 jumpers and the account is dominated by longs. I am hoping that it will reach the Ideal Position of 7 buys at the top and 7 sells at the bottom. When that happens we must be ready to shift our trades to sells because the Ideal Position is the signal we have reached the apex.

Also the Total profit tells you a lot. It indicates any change in trend. Right now it is struggling to move into positive profit after battling the negative spread, you could say it is now crossing the line and trying to break through.


The force is with you young trader, but you are not a Jedi yet!

The safest way to trade this system is by trading all 14 pairs in one direction!

The winning percentage is higher than with 4 pairs tandem. I only use the 2 pair and 4 pair tandem when I feel bored waiting for my favourite setup to occur!


I want a pair from the one side to invade the Anchor position of the opposite side. The dislodging of the Anchor signals the safest time to trade 14 pairs straight.

    If Buys are on bottom and one reaches the top anchor position - go 14 Long
    If Buys are on top and one reaches the bottom anchor position - go 14 Short

    If Sells are on bottom and one reaches the top anchor position - go 14 Short
    If Sells are on the top and one reaches the bottom anchor position - go 14 Long

In fact, when you are trading all buys you can either wait till the last BUY has left its own Anchor position or the first buy is occupying the opposite Anchor. When you are trading all sells you can either wait till the last sell has left its own Anchor position or the first sell is occupying the opposite Anchor.

example (Ideal Position)

Pair Profit
Sell GBPUSD 500
Sell EURGBP 450
Sell GBPCHF 400
Sell CHFJPY 350
Sell AUDJPY 300
Sell EURJPY 250
Sell USDCHF 200

Buy CADJPY -200
Buy AUDUSD -250
Buy USDJPY -300
Buy EURUSD -350
Buy EURCHF -400
Buy GBPJPY -450
Buy USDCAD -500

In this setup GU and UC are the anchor pairs.

1.When USDCAD jumps up and switches places with GJ, this is an indication that there might be a trend reversal.

2.When GU jumps below EG this is another indication of trend reversal.

3.When both 1 and 2 jump its an even better indication of trend reversal.

4. Since the sells are on top and the buys are on bottom, the trend will be leaning toward the LONG direction when entering all pairs.


A safe long trade is, in this instance, only when USDCHF reaches the bottom Anchor or the CADJPY reaches the top anchor. If you find my xls, in the forum, start looking the left most columns from weeks ago and the currency pairs really lined up ideally on the 31st of August. Notice that the red sells are moving down, hence the direction of our trade is LONG. Go to the 7th of September and the red GU reaches the Anchor postion. We have reached the safe long trading period. As the weeks go by the red sells are slowly invading the the lower half while the green buys are leaving for the top spots. Until this week that move is still a good long trade, until it reaches the opposite of the 24th of August position.



Van mreže Panzer

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« Odgovor #9 poslato: 06.12.2012, 17:03:13 »
Ima jedan mali problem, promenila se korelacija od vremena kada je t101 nastao.
Vecina ovih parova iz 2 grupe sada idu u istom smeru...hvala bogu. Tako da moras ubaciti novi case u t101 . Ovaj po defaultu od 14 parova vise ne vazi.

Van mreže zola320

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« Odgovor #10 poslato: 06.12.2012, 17:17:39 »
Ima jedan mali problem, promenila se korelacija od vremena kada je t101 nastao.
Vecina ovih parova iz 2 grupe sada idu u istom smeru...hvala bogu. Tako da moras ubaciti novi case u t101 . Ovaj po defaultu od 14 parova vise ne vazi.

Gdje to pise ?

Van mreže Panzer

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« Odgovor #11 poslato: 07.12.2012, 00:14:12 »
Hm...iskustvo, ovo mi je vec 2 god kako se igram sa t101  ;), ili bolje reci svim njihovim varijacijama. Sam osnivac strategije Trader 101 je prestao pre dve godine da koristi sistem.  Naravno mnogi ljudi su nastavili da ga koriste , ali kao sto sam rekao korelacija medju forex parovima se promenila, tj trziste se promenilo, tako da ako mislis da ostanes u koraku sa trzistem, moras da se adaptiras. Nacin na koji se sad primenjuje nema veze sa pocetnom strategijom.
Moj savet ti je da pogledas koji parovi idu u istom smeru , a koji u obrnutom. Prepravi skripte, i modifikuj osnovni indikator za offline u skladu sa tim parovima, i prepravi ea.

Van mreže zola320

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« Odgovor #12 poslato: 07.12.2012, 02:14:03 »
Hm...iskustvo, ovo mi je vec 2 god kako se igram sa t101  ;), ili bolje reci svim njihovim varijacijama. Sam osnivac strategije Trader 101 je prestao pre dve godine da koristi sistem.  Naravno mnogi ljudi su nastavili da ga koriste , ali kao sto sam rekao korelacija medju forex parovima se promenila, tj trziste se promenilo, tako da ako mislis da ostanes u koraku sa trzistem, moras da se adaptiras. Nacin na koji se sad primenjuje nema veze sa pocetnom strategijom.
Moj savet ti je da pogledas koji parovi idu u istom smeru , a koji u obrnutom. Prepravi skripte, i modifikuj osnovni indikator za offline u skladu sa tim parovima, i prepravi ea.

2 godine fantasticno onda vjerovatno imas mnogo podataka koji bi se mogli analizirati. Ja sam u ovih par sedmica otkako sam poceo raditi sa ovom strategijom prikupijo par korisnih informacija.

Na slici je prikazan net buy( plava linija ) , net sell ( crvena linija ) i net profit ( zelena linija). Kako primjecujemo da  parovi imaju skoro pa perfektnu negativnu korelaciju sto potvrduje i zelena linija. Zbog toga mi nije jasno zasto parovi vise nisu validni ? 

Van mreže Panzer

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« Odgovor #13 poslato: 07.12.2012, 09:41:45 »
Ok moj savet ti je da probas t101 na demou u sledecih 3 meseca i vidi sta se desava kada kupis ili prodas na offline sa parovima. Da oni ce se hedzovati , tako da neces imadi gubitak, ali ces imati veliki |DD. Uglavnom trguj sa svim parovima osim sa eurgbp i gbpchf , i obavezno u kontra poziciju stavi USDCAD iUSDCHF jer su oni obrnutoj korelaciji, u odnosu na ostale majors i jpy parove.

Van mreže zola320

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« Odgovor #14 poslato: 07.12.2012, 10:06:18 »
Ok moj savet ti je da probas t101 na demou u sledecih 3 meseca i vidi sta se desava kada kupis ili prodas na offline sa parovima. Da oni ce se hedzovati , tako da neces imadi gubitak, ali ces imati veliki |DD. Uglavnom trguj sa svim parovima osim sa eurgbp i gbpchf , i obavezno u kontra poziciju stavi USDCAD iUSDCHF jer su oni obrnutoj korelaciji, u odnosu na ostale majors i jpy parove.

Ako budem postovo pravila strategije max DD je 5.6%. Skripte su vec podesene na USDCAD i USDCHF u kontra smjeru ;). Jedini problem do sada koji primjecujem je lock sistem strategije (trailing stop) prerano izade iz pozicije tu ce bit potrebno malo modifikacije. Na koji nacin ti izlazis iz trgovine ?