Autor Tema: AvaFX bonus  (Pročitano 31909 puta)

Van mreže FXModerator

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AvaFX bonus
« poslato: 19.01.2011, 16:39:49 »
Trenutno je kod njih u toku nagradna anketa u kojoj od vas traže da im pomognete u izboru novog imena za njih.
Da biste mogli da glasate otvorite (demo) account kod njih na i potom idite na link na kom ćete da glasate. Nagrada je 5.000$ koja će biti dodeljena, u suštini, po slučajnom izboru.

Reklama zvuči ovako:

Ava FX has experienced phenomenal growth over the past four years, and currently serves over 50,000 active traders from over 150 countries globally, with volumes exceeding $50 billion USD per month.

Our growth is a result of us listening to our clients. Now we are looking for a new name for Ava FX to reflect our ever increasing product range which today is over 200 instruments - FX, Commodities, Equities, Stock Indices, Bonds, Futures & more.

We decided to approach our valued customers and partners to help us choose an appropriate name for the firm. To make it fun we will award a prize of $5000 for the winning name*.

The Ava FX Team

* Prize will be paid randomly to one of the persons who picked the winning name. In order to win the $5000, winner acknowledges that their details may be used for marketing and promotional purposes.

Van mreže slina

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Odg: AvaFX bonus
« Odgovor #1 poslato: 19.01.2011, 22:20:00 »
lutrija :D ... al zašto ne probat!?

Van mreže FXModerator

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Odg: AvaFX bonus
« Odgovor #2 poslato: 02.03.2011, 14:45:45 »
AvaFX kao poznati irski broker ponovo deli bonuse šakom i kapom.
Ako otvorite novi račun do 15. marta na vaš depozit dobijate i bonus koji možete da podignete ako, naravno, ispunite određeni broj lotova u roku od godinu dana.
Detalje o tome koliko bonusa dobijate na koji depozit i uslove možete da pročitate na

Van mreže FXModerator

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AvaFX takmičenje
« Odgovor #3 poslato: 15.06.2011, 13:29:35 »
Pošto većina brokera ima neku vrstu takmičenja na demu računima, i AvaFX se sa promocijom nove platforme odlučila na isti potez.

Njihova nova platforma za trgovanje se zove AlphaTrader i još uvek je u beta varijanti, ali to ih nije sprečilo da organizuju takmičenje na kraju koga će biti dodeljene 3 nagrade: 2.000$ za prvo mesto i po 500$ za 2. i 3. poziciju. Na takmičenju dobijate demo račun sa 100.000$ i cilj vam je naravno da imate najveći equity na kraju takmičenja, tj. 30. juna.

Prijaviti se na takmičenje možete na njihovom sajtu i ujedno i isprobati novu platformu.


Van mreže FXModerator

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Odg: AvaFX bonus
« Odgovor #4 poslato: 07.12.2011, 09:21:25 »
Do 21. decembra traje akcija davanja bonusa na depozite na novootvorenim računim kod AVAFX brokera.

Depozit     Bonus
$300         $100 Bonus
$1,000      $250 Bonus
$5,000      iPad2 (ili $600 Bonus, po izboru)
$10,000    iPad2 + $500 Bonus
$20,000    iPad2 + $1,000

Naravno da postoje određeni uslovi, tj. određeni broj lotova koje morate da odtrgujete kako biste dobili iPad2.

Detalje pogledajte na linku koji ćete da nađete ovde.

Van mreže FXModerator

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Odg: AvaFX bonus
« Odgovor #5 poslato: 08.12.2011, 21:26:00 »
I AvaFX od sledeće nedelje kreće sa 5. decimalom u valutnim parovima...
Dakle, kao što su oni tako lepo ilustrovali u mail-u:

   1. With 4 digit when the EURUSD moved from 1.3443 to 1.3444, it actually move 1 pip
   2. With 5 digits when the EURUSD moved from 1.34432 to 1.34442, it actually move 1 pip
   3. With 5 digits when the EURUSD moved from 1.34432 to 1.34435, it actually moved 0.3 pips.

Tek da se zna.

Van mreže FXModerator

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AvaFX novosti
« Odgovor #6 poslato: 27.01.2012, 01:07:02 »
I ljudi iz Ava FX-a su prepoznali potencijal zemlje "down under" i početkom ove nedelje otvorili kancelariju u Australiji, nakon dobijanja ASIC licence. Sve više brokera se odlučuje na otvaranje predstavništava na tom kontinentu jer ciljaju azijsku klijentelu. Kako je FX zabranjen u Kini i hongkongška licenca je ograničavajuća i skupa, Australija se izdvaja kao jedina stabilna lokacija za forex brokere.

Saopštenje brokera Ava FX:

"Leading online financial services and trading group Ava FX has opened an office in Sydney to provide Australian CFD customers with the full range of FX and CFD trading services. Ava FX is now fully regulated by Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) through it’s Australian subsidiary Ava Capital Markets Australia Pty Ltd.

The numerous requests for Ava FX services by Australians made it clear that there was a strong demand for Ava FX’s unique offering in Australia and this was the impetus for this important development. Ava CEO Emanuel Kronitz said: “we are delighted to establish our Sydney office. Having obtained the ASIC license, we look forward to being able to offer Australian customers Ava FX’s incomparable service and trading resources, which has made us the fastest growing broker.

Investors can know that they will be trading with a trusted and established company. Kronitz continues: “our primary concern is to provide customers the most efficient, transparent and absolutely the best customer service available anywhere.”

With the the establishment of the Australian headquarters of Ava FX in Sydney. Ava Capital Markets Australia CEO Sudhanshu Agarwal comments: “this is a milestone occasion – with Ava’s Australian local office being established and the granting of the ASIC license, we look forward to our entry into the Australian market as a recognized financial services company providing innovative trading solutions. We have no doubt that once customers begin experiencing our customer service and offering, we will soon become the broker of choice in Australia.”

Ava Capital Markets Australia Pty Ltd (Ava FX) is a global FX and CFD trading broker offering one-click FX, commodities, indices, stocks, and bonds trading. Since starting in 2006, Ava FX has become one of the fastest growing Forex & CFD trading companies. It is fully regulated within Australia, the EU and Japan.

Ava FX provides multiple trading platforms for the beginner and expert traders. Expert data and analysis is provided by the company in order to better assist clients to trade more effectively and with confidence.

Ava FX’s success can be attributed to their customer focused approach which has seen the company win many Global awards in the past twelve months including the “Daily Forex” customer service award."

Van mreže Desimir

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Ava FX NUDI Besplatan iPad mini sa Wi-Fi 32GB
« Odgovor #7 poslato: 13.02.2013, 14:49:58 »

Zdravo Svima,

Danas sam dobio email sa ovom ponudom pa bi zeleo da je podelim sa Vama

$200 -Initial Deposit    Bonus-$100

$500 --Initial Deposit    Bonus-$250

$2,000--Initial Deposit   Free iPad mini or $500 Bonus - Vaš izbor.
$5,000--Initial Deposit   Free iPad mini + $500

$10,000--Initial Deposit  Free iPad mini + $1,000

Promocija startuje danas kome treba iPad Mini nek izvoli.



Van mreže FXModerator

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Odg: Ava FX NUDI Besplatan iPad mini sa Wi-Fi 32GB
« Odgovor #8 poslato: 13.02.2013, 20:29:28 »
Promocija startuje danas kome treba iPad Mini nek izvoli.


Hvala Desimire!
Samo najbitnije uslove da prenesemo, da ne bude zabune:

- promotion valid until March 31, 2013 or until stocks run out
- valid for new members only and is not valid for auto trading accounts
- in order to withdraw your bonus, you will be required to execute a minimum trading volume of 10,000 base instruments for every $1 bonus within 12 months. If you fail to trade the required amounts within the given time period - your bonus will be cancelled and removed from your account
- giveaway Mini iPad is considered as a bonus given to clients. In order to withdraw funds that had been deposited, client will need to fulfil a minimum trading volume as part of terms of bonus trading requirements. If you do not fulfil minimum trading volume, the value of the iPad mini ($500) will be deducted from your withdrawal as payment for iPad mini.

Van mreže FXModerator

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Odg: AvaFX bonus
« Odgovor #9 poslato: 07.01.2015, 12:39:52 »
AvaTrade je produžila svoju novogodišnju bonus promociju do sledećeg četvrtka, 15. januara.

50% bonusa na inicijalni depozit čeka sve nove trejdere koji otvore račune kod ovog regulisanog brokera koji dolazi iz Irske.

Najveći mogući bonus koji može da se dobije je 2.500$, a da biste bonus mogli da povučete sa računa, za svakih 10$ bonusa treba da otrgujete 1 lot u periodu od 12 meseci, što uopšte nije neizvodljivo, štaviše.
Takođe bonus dobijate na račun kada pošaljete vašu skeniranu dokumentaciju, koju, siguran sam, već imate pripremljenu u posebnom folderu.

AvaTrade, inače, nudi račune sa minimalnim depozitom od 100$, maksimalnom polugom 1:400, a minimalna veličina trgovanja je 0,01 lot. Depozite prihvata putem svih najpopularnijih opcija: bank wire, platnim karticama, PayPal, Skrill, Web Money, Neteller.

Otvorite račun i aktivirajte bonus na njihovoj web stranici.