Ja sam im u ponedeljak poslao zahtev sa skeniranim pasošem i računom za telefon.
Sledi njihov odgovor:
Dear Sir,
Thank you for applying for an account with Alpari (UK).
As part of your account application we require to see the following documents:
• Two CLEAR copies of a bank statement, credit card statement or a utility bill on headed paper registered in your name and at your current address. The documents must be dated within the last 3 months and be sent to your current residential address through the post. The documents must be on official headed paper.
The documents must be certified as a “true copy of the original” by either a Notary, Lawyer or Bank Manager. The certification of the documents should contain the date of certification, the name and position of the certifier, signature, stamp, business address and contact number of either the Notary, Lawyer or Bank Manager.
Please be aware that unfortunately we are unable to accept the following documents:
• Internet print outs
• Electronically generated PDF statements or utility bills
• A bill for internet usage
• Mobile phone bill
We look forward to receiving your documents.
Best Regards
Harley Romero
Account Opening Assistant
Nisam siguran da ću to da uradim, odnosno siguran sam da neću.