Pozdrav Korleone ,
Sto se tice regulative mogu ti reci da je sve dozvoljeno sto nije zabranjeno . Odnosno , zakon nije jasno defnisan povodom deviznog trgovanja ,a postoje neke direktive kako i pod kojim uslovima ficizko lice moze drzati i otvoriti devizni raun u inostranstvu ...mislim da imas ovdje na sajtu ,pogledaj .
1. Novac koji dajes kod FX brokera nije zasticen i on ne podleze politici zastite depozita .Tj. ako broker propadne i tvoj novac propada ,ako broker pobjegne ili ..padne ''klavir '' na njegovu glavu ,znas vec ..
)) Kod US brokera NFA (National future assosiation ) je jasno stavio do znanja da OTC trziste nije regulisano i da ne podleze istim pravilima kao Exchange /berza .
- The firm must disclose to the customer that
the funds used for trading forex may not receive the same protections under
the bankruptcy code as those funds that are used to margin exchange-traded
futures and options - (kratak izvod iz NFA rule ) .
Members should adopt and enforce written procedures regarding
communications with the public. These procedures should address oral sales
solicitations as well as promotional material, and they should be reasonablydesigned to prevent your firm, its Associates, and any non-member solicitors
from making any communication with potential or current customers that
operates as a fraud or deceit, uses a high-pressure approach, or implies that
forex transactions are appropriate for all customers.
For example, you may
not represent that forex funds deposited with a Member are "segregated" or
given special protection under the bankruptcy laws. If your firm or nonmember
solicitors represent that your services are commission free, you
must prominently disclose how you are compensated in near proximity to this
representation. You should also ensure that the communication
does not discuss past performance or include a testimonial unless the
performance is similar to the actual performance of the firm's reasonably
comparable accounts for the same time
Additionally, you may not represent that you offer "noslippage"
or guarantee fills unless you can demonstrate that all orders on
your platform have been executed at the price initially quoted when the order
was placed on the platform and you do not have the authority to adjust
customer accounts so as to have the effect of changing the price at which the
order was executed. In other words, if you "re-quote" prices or have the
contractual right to make adjustments that directly or indirectly change the
price of an order after it is executed you cannot claim to have no slippage
If you mention the possibility of profit, you must include an equally prominent
statement of the risk of loss. In addition, any references to actual past trading
profits or testimonials must also mention that past results are not necessarily
indicative of future results. period. Finally, promotional materials
should never guarantee against loss... 2. Sto se tice uplate ,ona se moze tretirati kao internet trgovina dok ne prekoraci odredjenu sumu . Kod nas u CG ,po postojecem zakonu ,bilo ko, je u mogucnosti da unese i iznese 10k iz zemlje ,bez postavljanja pitanja .
3. Sto se tice profita i poreza ,tu nastaje problem. Ti ,inace vec placas porez samom trgovinom preko svojeg brokera ,jer on sve to uracunava u svoju uslugu .Zato su brokeri duzni da prijavljuju stanje svojih klijenata ,sve otvorene pozicije ,sve transakcije ...itd kod NFA ,recimo . Sto se tice nas , nema PDV jer ti zapravo ne stvaras nikakvu novu vrijednost ...ti zamjenjujes . Znaci ostaje porez na kapitalnu dobit ,ako si firma . Sto se tice fizickih lica , ne bih mogao sa sigurnoscu da kazem ,posto ni osobe koje rade u Centralnu Banku ne znaju odgovor . Tako da , na neki nacin mi radimo na crno